November 27, 2009

NASA scientists believe we may have discovered the most compelling evidence of life on Mars, with possible fossilized bacteria from Martian meteorite that hit Earth some 13,000 years ago.


Two million Muslim pilgrims to travel to Muzdalifa, Saudi Arabia to toss stones at the devil.

 Muslim pilgrims will come to Muzdalifa from across the world, to throw stones at the walls at Jamarat Bridge, three times each day for the next three days, to symbolize their rejection of the devil's temptations.

New documentary sets out to prove Jesus may have visited England as a youth, according to the films makers, ex-BBC religious correspondent Ted Harrison and Church of Scotland minister Gordon Strachan.

Could Jesus have visited England, while on an educational trip with 'uncle' Joseph of Arimathea?

44-year old woman in Methuen, Massachusetts sees image of Jesus Christ on her iron.

After being seperated from her husband and losing hours at work, the image of Jesus on Mary Jo Coady's iron is a sign that 'life is going to be good', she believes.

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