Wednesday 20, 2010

Fort Worth, Texas golfers find mysterious corpse, believing it to a chupacabra...but it's really the Montauk Monster!  Which means it's a dead raccoon says Jennifer Barrow a biologist for the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department.

Does the carcass (top) resemble the Montauk Monster (middle photo) or el chupacabra (bottom)?!
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 Buckshaw Beast terrorizes the village of Buckshaw , near Leyland, Lancashire  again!  What the hell is a Buckshaw Beast?

Russian close encounter of the third kind!  Residents of Perm, Russia claim a UFO hovers over city, then shoot down a beam of light, followed by several 'passangers' being dropped off!?

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British UFO and crop circle expert Paul Vigay, found drowned on beach near Portsmouth leaves mysterious questions for family and friends.

Paul Vigay, a 44-year-old computer expert, used his expertise in UFO's and crop circles as a consultant in the Mel Gibson movie, Signs.
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Egyptian archeologist Mohammed Abdel-Maqsood finds a 2,000 temple in ruin underneath the city of Alexandria, probably dedicated to the ancient cat goddess Bastet, due to the many statues found within the temple.

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U.S. faith-based organization, Faith Comes By Hearing, gives aid to Haiti in the form of  the Proclaimer, a solar-powered audible Bible, which can supposedly play the Bible in any environment, including the Moon!

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