Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mystery light floats above Denver, Colorado sky is really Venus.
 All it took was a call to the Astronomy department at the University of Denver to solve the mystery of a strange light seen in the sky over Colorado last weekend.  No, it was not a UFO. But it was definitely out of this world.  "That's Venus," DU Physics and Astronomy professor Jennifer Hoffman told us after watching Jai Harris's video.  Harris captured home video of the bright light in the northwest sky over Colorado on May 8 from her home in Denver's Park Hill neighborhood, and then uploaded the video to YouTube.  "I quickly went to get my camera. I opened the iris all the way and zoomed in all the way," Harris said. "It was much brighter than the stars and much, much lower."

Full article:http://www.dailyastronomy.com/link.asp?ID=606772&Title=Denver+UFO+mystery+solved

'UFO' spotted flying over Scarborough, North Yorkshire, England.
Mystery continues to surround a strange object photographed in the sky above Scarborough.
Evening News photographer Andrew Higgins was left puzzled after spotting the "unidentified flying object" above Betton Farm, in East Ayton.

Full article: http://www.scarborougheveningnews.co.uk/news/Mystery-object-39neither-a-jet.6285915.jp

New British Prime Minister David Cameron vowed over a year ago that if he ever became prime minister, he would reveal any secret files in reference to UFO's.

 Full article: http://www.examiner.com/x-2024-Denver-UFO-Examiner~y2010m5d11-Britains-new-Prime-Minister-promised-UFO-disclosure

Ex-TV psychic and British fugitive Martin Anthony Smith  arrested in Barcelona, Spain over child rape allegations.
Full article: http://www.newsandstar.co.uk/news/tv-psychic-from-carlisle-held-over-child-rape-1.706517?referrerPath=sport

British police who practice pagan religions granted right to take festivals off as recognized holidays.
Full article: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/uk/article7121843.ece

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