March 29, 2010

Chicken killing 'creature' found in remote central China revealed to be the Chinese Chupacabra or as others speculators say, the 'Oriental Yeti'?
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Archeologists near the Karnak pyramid in Luxor, Egypt discover a 3,500 year old stone 'door to the afterlife', found in the tomb of User, the chief minister of Queen Hatshepsut in the 15th Century BC.
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The Central Coastline of Australia, near Gosford seems to be a hot spot for UFO activity, says  UFO Research NSW secretary Joann Kanda, after compiling evidence after her own sighting in the 1990's.
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Various primate species at global risk due to many cultural folk remedies around the world...often because they're eaten!
In Inda, the not so lucky Assamese macaques are eaten to treat rheumatis!
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