Saturday, May 14, 2011

Site near Stirling Castle in Scotland, may shed new light on the legendary King Arthur

A circular earthen mound near Stirling Castle has been linked variously to the legendary king, to British aristocrats and to Roman invaders, but its origins remain shrouded in history.  Now, for the first time, a team of archaelogists from Glasgow University is preparing to use hi-tech scanners to survey the ground beneath it, providing a clear insight into the mound’s beginnings.
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Rise in belief of witchcraft in Britain goes hand-in-hand with unreported cases of child abuse
Hundreds of witchcraft abuse cases are going unreported across the country each year, it has been revealed.
Officials believe child protection officers are only tipped off in the most extreme cases when a child's life has been put in danger.
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Australian couple (and cult leaders?) claim they're Jesus Christ and Mary Magdalene!
The pair, real names Alan John Miller, who once lived in Loxton in South Australia's Riverland, and Mary Suzanne Luck, operate from rural Wilkesdale near Kingaroy, where they have been joined by an increasing band of followers.  "My name is Jesus, and I'm serious," Miller said in a video recording from one workshop.
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