Tuesday, June 8, 2010

South African gamblers smoke brains of endangered vultures in hopes of 'predicting' World Cup results
Mark Anderson, of BirdLife South Africa, said he feared that belief in “muti” magic would accelerate the decline in rare Cape vultures. “Many vulture species across the world are in trouble. Our own species in southern Africa is declining sharply for a number of reasons, including reduced food availability, deliberate poisoning and electrocution from electricity pylons. “The harvesting of the birds’ heads by followers of muti magic is an additional threat these birds can’t endure.” Steve McKean, from the KwaZulu-Natal Wildlife group, who has been studying the impact of muti, said: “Our research suggests that killing of vultures for so-called traditional use could render the Cape vulture extinct in some parts of South Africa within half a century. In the worst case, the Cape vulture could be suffering population collapse within 12 years.”

Full article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/newstopics/howaboutthat/7807523/World-Cup-threat-to-rare-vulture.html

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