December 10, 2009

Bemidji, man and two sons hunting believe they see Bigfoot in dense Minnesota woods.

Photo taken on a game trail camera near the area where Ted Kedrowski and his two sons Peter and Casey were hunting.
Full article:

Is population control on the table, at Copenhagen climate summit?

Website Letters of Note, produces intriguing Nikola Tesla letter to the Red Cross, observing communications with extraterrestrial life?

Mysterious lights above Norway, disclosed to be failed Russian intercontinental missile test from submarine from the White Sea.

  Full article:

 Pew survey shows 65% of Christians in the United States mix their faith with 'Eastern' and New Age traditions.

Full article:

United Kingdom to create new, unnamed space agency which will replace current British National Space Centre in hopes of improving British space exploration.

For decades, the British government has offered very little to itself for space explorations, often devoting time to robotics or contributing to the European Space Agency.  Such as Timothy Peake, pictured above, a British astronaut who will join the ESA.

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