Monday, July 12, 2010

Russian fisherman demanding inquiry of lake monster, 'Nesski' which might be snagging them!
People who claim to have seen the creature in Lake Chany in eastern Russia have described it as "snake-like" and said it has a long neck, similar to Scotland's famous Loch Ness monster, the UK's Daily Mail reports. According to others, the creature, dubbed Nesski, has fins and a huge tail.

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Bright, orange, orb UFO spotted over Greater Yarmouth, in Norfolk, England

Reader Harry Stannard has written to The Mercury about the UFO sightings over the resort, witnessed by himself and his family.  Harry writes: “Today, on July 9, my brother and I sighted a UFO over our house in Great Yarmouth. My two brothers and my mum also spotted three UFOs, bright orange orbs, on July 4.  “We looked on the internet and typed in “UFO sightings in Great Yarmouth” and we saw that someone spotted one exactly one year ago. We have seen many UFOs over Yarmouth.”  Can any readers help out Harry? Did you also witness these strange orange lights in the sky?

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