November 24, 2009

CIA manual of Cold War 'tricks-of-the-trade thought to be lost, resurfaces with the title, "The CIA Manual of Trickery and Deception, with instructions of how slipping pills into drinks and 'surreptitious removal of objects by women'.

The Central Intelligence Agency paid stage magician John Mulholland $3000 to write a manual of sneakiness and illusion for the super-spy, which disappeared in 1973, until it's recent resurfacing.

Real estate agent showing off a house in Gibson, Lousianna find over 100 very old human bones in basement, on top of what used to be an Indian burial ground.
Full article:

 The United Kingdom with the world's largest DNA database, has fears of police arresting people simply to collect their DNA.
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Retired carpenter demonstrates how he believes how Stonehenge was built.
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Hindu ceremony at Bariyapur village in Nepal is 'world's largest' animal sacrifice at two-day festival devoted to the goddess Gadhimai.

The buffalo is one of the many  hundreds of thousands of animals that will be slaughtered by devotee's of the goddess Gadhimai, at the festival which happens every five years.

 Saudi Arabia sanctions 'religous police' to hunt down and prosecute rising tides of 'witchcraft and sorcery', often leading to state-sanctioned executions to the dismay of Human Rights Watch.

1 comment:

Xenu said...

Yes, I would like to see some links to articles on Chip Coffee, the gifted psychic and medium. What are you going to do about that?