November 28, 2009

At least 10,000 albino's have runaway or gone into hiding throughout East Africa in fear of their lives, because their body parts can fetch up to $75, 000 to witch doctors.

Mary Owido, an albino with her children pictured, is in fear of her life throughout much of the Kenya-Tanzania area, where murderers seek albino body parts on the black market.

Iraqi government spends $ 80 million dollars on dowsing rods, or rather that's how they felt after purchaing bomb detecting equipment by British company ATSC ltd.
The ADE651 bomb detector has been considered useless by both U.S. military officials and magician James Randi who has offered a $1 million dollars to the Somerset company, who manufactures the detectors, if they can prove their devices truly work.

Under the Uganda law in it's Anti-Homosexuality Bill 2009, gay men with HIV are condemned to be executed, and the United States secret society, the Family on C Street, Washington D.C. is behind the bill.

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