Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Paranormal investigators record haunting EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) at Brunswick Railroad Museum, Maine

Paranormal investigators reveal audio recordings of ghosts recorded at the Brunswick Railroad Museum.  Daryll Keller with the Mason Dixon Paranormal Society, says there are 14 unexplained EVPs (Electronic Voice Phenomenon).  "It sounds like it says have a nice day," he said about one of the recordings.

Full article: http://www.wusa9.com/news/local/story.aspx?storyid=103006&catid=158

Student captures video of UFO near North Berwick, Scotland
Robbie Davidson, a student from Kirkcaldy, had been filming a strange cloud that appeared to have a rainbow in it, and says that what could be a disc-spaped object became visible ahead of the cloud.  He was travelling in van near North Berwick earlier this month when he made the sighting.

Full article: http://news.stv.tv/scotland/east-central/184772-viewer-submits-video-of-strange-sky-phenomenon/ 

Captured rare white elephant good omen for political change according to Burmese officials
The female elephant was captured by officials on Saturday in the coastal town of Maungtaw in Rakhine state, according to news reports in Burma, also known as Myanmar.  She is aged about 38 years old and seven feet four inches tall, the English-language New Light of Myanmar said, although it did not mention where she would be kept.

Full article: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/asia/burmamyanmar/7860447/White-elephant-caught-in-Burma-is-omen-of-political-change.html

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