Saturday, July 10, 2010

Castle Hill gets a crop circle
Castle Hill has been visited by aliens – or practical jokers.  A crop circle has appeared in a field below the Huddersfield landmark this week.  The circle is clearly visible in the fields below Lumb Lane, which runs across the bottom of the landmark hill.

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Pauly the psychic octopus should be freed from captivity according to PETA
People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), the Animal rights group is demanding the release of Paul, the psychic octopus, who has become a global star for his FIFA World Cup predictions.  Buzz up!  Bruce Friedrich, PETA spokesperson said that they were urging people to sign an online petition demanding Paul's release.  "No animal deserves to be confined to a tiny tank and we're hoping that Paul's popularity, or in Germany notoriety, will cause people to think a little bit more about the inner lives of octopuses."

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