Saturday, July 17, 2010

Bombay High Court declares that Ganesha and all other Hindu gods cannot deal in stocks and shares!
Two judges at the Bombay High Court on Friday rejected a petition from a private religious trust to open accounts in the names of five deities, including the revered elephant-headed god, Ganesha.  "Trading in shares on the stock market requires certain skills and expertise and to expect this from deities would not be proper," judges P.B. Majumdar and Rajendra Sawant said, according to Indian newspapers.

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Children accused of witchcraft on the rise throughout Africa, often with dangerous consequences
Orphans, street children, albinos and the disabled are most at risk.  A new Unicef report warns that children accused of being witches - some as young as eight - have been been burned, beaten and even killed as punishment.  The belief that a child could be a witch is a relatively modern development, researchers say.

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MUFON reports that Illinois office workers see debris falling from flying UFO during daylight hours

A group of Illinois office workers observed a "copper colored, brightly flashing" object that hovered in the daytime sky while "smaller pieces appeared to be breaking away and falling rapidly" to the ground on July 16, 2010, according to testimony from the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) witness reporting database.  "It was much brighter than anything I have ever seen in the day light which is what drew my attention," the reporting witness stated.

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